Begin Your Journey!

Ship illustration moving through ocean waves

I'm excited to hop into the next project. If you feel like your company is in a place where it will benefit from my help, then it'd be great to connect.

Let's get started

What do you need?

How can we help?

What's your budget?

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Let the journey begin!

We appreciate
your interest!

We'll be in touch!
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Asked frequently

Can you create our logo without the strategy portion?
Sure, I can, but I won't—it'd likely end up being a huge waste of your time and money. I imagine there are plenty of people out there who would be willing to just take your money but I'm not interested. I'll be here when you're ready to build your brand.
How long does a project take?
That's heavily determined by the needs of your project so anywhere from 1 month - 6+ months on average.
Do we need to do the full project all at once?
Nope, I break projects down into phases and outline what that looks like in your proposal.
Do you give discounts?
I do reserve the right to provide my repeat/retainer clients with discounts. I also allocate a portion of services that I donate to women & minority owned businesses; as of right now that amount per year is capped at $15k.